Baby Miller #2
Being in limbo between appointments stinks. I have my next appointment in less than a week and all these thoughts are racing through my head about the baby. I'm worried all the time that something will go wrong. I'm scared I'll wipe and there will be blood. The end of the first trimester is scary. I'm so close to the "safe zone" yet, you're never really safe. The chart I read on babycenter said at 10weeks 2 days, with a confirmed heartbeat your chance of miscarriage is 2%. I keep telling myself this over and over.
I have no idea why I'm feeling this way. My nausea is still there (although no puking for a few days! Hooray!) my breasts still hurt and my belly is definitely sticking out. I ordered a doppler to satisfy my craziness but it's not here yet. If this pregnancy continues as "normal" then I won't get half as many peeks as I did with Callie. I have an entire scrapbook of her ultasounds. This time I may only get 3 total. I felt Callie move around week 15, and they say the second time is quicker. So I don't think we're too far off from this.
Total Weight Loss/Gain: I'm about even. No loss no gain.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I have a good "bloat" belly by the end of the day
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Callie
Sleep: So exhausted. Constantly. I could go to bed right after Callie does (7:30)
Movement: Nothing confirmed, but I swear I felt flutters the other day
Cravings/Aversions: Craving salads and fruit!
Gender: Is doesn't matter to us, we just want a happy healthy bundle of joy!
Symptoms: Sleepy, nauseated, sensitive breasts, round ligament pain, MOODY
What I miss: Having a normal energy level, feeling rested.
What I look forward to: Our next appt on the 12th
Moods: Generally good, but my moods are all over the place lately. Poor Steve!
Milestones: Confirmed heartbeat, baby measuring 2 days ahead.
Medical concerns: None so far. Baby looks very healthy. No hematoma noticed on ultrasound (Dr. M says we have a 15-20% chance of having another SCH)
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