Thursday, May 1, 2014

It's not Easy being Green

As in, green in the face. Nausea and vomiting is in full force. I feel way more nauseated than I did with Callie and I'm tossing my cookies about 2-4 times a day. I now have a tooth brush in my purse.

Baby Miller #2


Total Weight Loss/Gain: I think I've lost a couple pounds from being sick

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I have a good "bloat" belly by the end of the day

Stretch marks: Just the ones from Callie

Sleep: So exhausted. Constantly. I could go to bed right after Callie does (7:30)

Movement: Nothing confirmed, but I swear I felt flutters the other day

Cravings/Aversions: Craving salads and fruit!

Gender: Is doesn't matter to us, we just want a happy healthy bundle of joy!

Symptoms: Sleepy, PUKEY, sensitive breasts, round ligament pain, MOODY

What I miss: Having a normal energy level, not greeting the porcelain god every morning.

What I look forward to: Our next appt on the 11th

Moods: Generally good, but my moods are all over the place lately. Poor Steve!

Milestones: Confirmed heartbeat, baby measuring 2 days ahead.

Medical concerns: None so far. Baby looks very healthy. No hematoma noticed on ultrasound (Dr. M says we have a 15-20% chance of having another SCH)

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