Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My how time flies!

I have been neglecting my blog and I apologize. I am also a bit frustrated because I want to document all about these last 8 amazing weeks, however finding the time nowadays is a bit difficult.

Taking care of Callie is constant. I never imagined how much time goes into caring for a newborn. When she is sleeping I am washing bottles and doing laundry and planning meals (when I remember/have time to eat)and trying to nap myself. Every tired moment worth it. She is such a blessing. All of these new moments we get to experience with her and the completeness we feel when its just the three of us is just so nice.

This week I went back to work, which was a bit sad. I wasn't ready to hand over my precious girl to someone else. I cried. I am working in a new office (my transfer FINALLY went through) and the people here are amazing! All the ladies were sympathizing with me on dropping her at daycare for the first time (I was tearing up). They just are all so nice. My new supervisor belongs to the church where Callie goes to daycare (total coincidence). They also offer flex time so I will only be working 4 days a week, which is great.

Callie has grown so much over these last several weeks. She's smiling now everyday! Which is precious. She is also starting to coo and "talk" to her Mama & Daddy. I had to start putting away her newborn clothes already and it made me a little sad. When other mom's told me how fast they grow I just kind of blew them off, but it is totally true. Sorry I didn't believe you other moms!! She is such a snuggler! She loves to be held and talked to. She gets frustrated with too much stimulation and fussy if she is passed around too much. She recognizes her Mama and Daddy's voices because she'll turn her head to find us. (SO SWEET!) She loves her big brother Pug and has started to watch him when he's close to her and coo. Her favorite things are her bouncer seat, and her toocha (pacifier).

Right now we are preparing for her baptism in August. She is going to wear the gown my Grandma made for my eldest niece, Hannah. Which is sentimental since my Grandma never got to meet Callie or Steve. It will feel like a part of her will be with Callie when she is baptized into the Church which is important to me since she was a very devout Catholic. My Papa, who is 94, will also be able to come, which is exciting!

Ok time to inundate you with pictures of my sweet girl. I have probably taken a picture of her every day of her life. I can't get enough of those cheeks!!

She is just so sweet! The last picture is of her nursery which is finally complete. I am so happy with how it turned out. She seems to love it!


do_it_ajen said...

Yay, Callie update! What a chubby-cheeked cutie!!!

Faith said...

She is so freakin' cute! You will learn the meaning of so many cliche "mom-isms" in the next year or two, lol! I mean, you logically understand when people say things but when you do it yourself you REALLY get it. And yeah, I was NOT prepared for how much work a newborn (or two) could be. Wow. Hang in there, it gets easier:).

Rebecca said...

She's so cute!!! I just want to snuggle her!