Saturday, February 25, 2012

Home Stretch!

My hopes were so dashed after 7 failed IUI's I remember not even having my hopes up for the 8th one. I didn't even think about it, I just went on with my day like it had already failed.I can't believe how much our lives have changed in just 6 short months! I will never forget the most perfect 2 gorgeous lines I have ever seen! I will always remember telling my amazing husband he was going to be a daddy, and his response half in tears was "I can't believe it! I love you so much!"

This has been such a whirlwind, and now amazingly after medical issues and weeks of bedrest we have made it to the THIRD TRIMESTER!! I am 28 weeks today and I smile everytime I feel her kick. Every backache, every crabby spell (sorry to those who have felt my wrath!), every forgetful moment has all been worth it. In just a few short weeks we will meet our sweet precious girl. I will forever be a mother. A MOMMY! I am so excited.

Here is a belly shot from this morning:

Here she is doing baby acrobatics (second marker 9):

My glucose test is Monday morning. I will update with the pregnancy questions after my appointment so I'm more accurate.

Third trimester! WOW! 12 short weeks until she is due!!

PS My toes seem to be missing when I look down!

1 comment:

Jules said...

I cannot wait to meet her! And to introduce her to Pickle! Sarah, your bump is the perfect bump. Because I'm so short (short legs, short torso) this kid already looks like she's taken over my belly. Let me know if you find your toes, maybe mine are with yours...