Today was our NT scan. Which as mentioned before checks the baby for any chromosomal abnormalities. Since Steve wasn't able to go (he's seriously working like a mad man!!) my good friend Melodi (my linking isn't working, her blog is on my right tool bar) went with me.
First this morning I woke up with a weird side pain, that is honestly still happening. It feels like the baby is kicking a nerve. Its by my right front hip. The nurse said it could either me sciatic or it could be bowel movement. I really don't know what it is but its been happening for 7 hours. At first it took my breathe away, now its just annoying. Any ideas?? Maybe ligament pain??
Anyhow the NT scan went great. The nuchal fold measured 1.4 (anything under 3mm is good) and the nasal bone was present. All good markers that do not indicate any chromosomal issues. They took some blood so combined with that we'll get a call in about a week. I didn't get much more info than that. She didn't say what the heartbeat was, or a guess at gender (bummer!). I'm thrilled that the baby is healthy and thriving.
Here's a new picture of Baby Miller at just a day shy of 12 weeks (measuring 12w3d)
EDIT ***My sister asked what this post had to do with pancakes and in my haste, I forgot to mention that Melodi and I chowed down on some awesome IHOP after the appointment. Seriously their pancakes are YUMMY! I am not a sweet eater, but have been craving them like crazy so I order the original buttermilk with just a dollop of whip cream on top and cinnamon sprinkled on top! PERFECTION!!
***Got a call this morning with our blood results and they are terrific!!! We are so thrilled.
Downs Syndrome ratio went from 1:500 to 1:9,981
Trisomy 13 &18 ratio went from 1:885 to 1:>10,000
(10,000 is the best they give!)
Beautiful baby:)! And it's probably a good thing they didn't make a guess at gender - they are usually wrong at that point. My RE guessed boy for Addison:). No sense wrapping your mind around one sex only to find out 2 months later it is different:).
Drink a lot of water and relax. It takes a lot of work to grow a baby. So great to see a new picture of your little wonder. I love you 3! :)
PS what does this post have to do with pancakes???
Going with you was amazing! Fun to be on this side of things. And yes pancakes were amazing :)
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