Thursday, November 29, 2012

Who put the Bomp, in the bomp sha bomp, sha bomp?

Well I spoke too soon. As soon as I had written that Callie had 2 teeth, up sprung tooth numero 3! She was a total bear and wanted to be held constantly for 2 days straight. Then up poked this tooth. On the bottom again. I heard most babies get their bottom 2, then top two...I guess she's special and only the bottom teeth want to come out and play.

Here she is showing them off!

We had a great Thanksgiving at my moms. My apple pie was a hit...It was so good Steve says I have to make another one this weekend

Callie and I went Black Friday shopping. She got to people watch and I got some good exercise!

Here she is at breakfast at our halfway point of shopping. She loved being able to sit up like a big girl.

Over the holiday Callie got to meet her new BFF. Sullivan. Sully and Callie met for the first time and it was a hit.

It's gonna be awesome camping with these 2 little people next spring. I can't wait until they actually discover each other and play together.

Callie also got to hang her first Christmas ornament

Our Callie is MOBILE! She is rolling and scooting (backwards!!) all over the place! It takes less than a minute for her to be across the floor...

She is not shy, she LOVES her puppy and she is super happy in the morning! My little hambone!

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