Thursday, September 15, 2011

Livin' on a Prayer

I wanted to share a story that happened to us last week which was just so coincidental it had to be fate. A few months ago I was searching for different prayers to pray to God to bless us with a baby. I had already been doing my Novena to St. Ann and I was just curious to see if there were other things out there. While searching I came across a website for St. Gerard, he is the patron Saint of children (and unborn children in particular); childbirth; mothers (and expectant mothers in particular); motherhood; infertility. The website stated you could send a preaddressed postage paid envelope to this address in Yonkers, NY and they would send you a blessed medal of St.Gerard as a keepsake. So I went to my Mom's and used one of her envelopes and stamps and piece of stationary to write Mrs. Spano a note and sent away for this medal.

I thought it couldn't hurt, I already have a few things to keep my spirits up. My friend Julie sent me a beautiful Angel which sits on my mantel to keep our hope alive. When Steve and I were in Niagara Falls we stopped at a Buddhist Temple and received a blessed statue of their Guanyin Pusa (mother and child).

So last week, on Tuesday, the day we found out that we are pregnant I come home from work and grab the mail like I always do, and in the mail is the St. Gerard medal and a little prayer card. Talk about timing! The medal is too big for my necklace (which has a wishbone and little charm that reads "Faith" from my sister on it) so I've attached it to my keys so I always have it. The prayer card is in my purse.


Rebecca said...

I love this story. It is so amazing! What a great coincidence. My mom got me one of these medals a while ago too.

Liz said...

Oh wow. I have been a bit slack at blog reading so how nice to pop over and see your news.

very best of luck with the remainder of the pregnancy.

rsjablonski said...

funny thing, my friend Donna gave me a St. Gerard prayer card for you that same day. I have it in my purse to give to you. mysterious ways sister!