Friday, September 5, 2008

Stickshifts and Safetybelts, Bucket seats have all got to go...

Well we're just hours away from going to pick up LFB. We've spoken with Marci at Farnsworth Farms in Alexandria, Indiana and she said he's rarin' to go! (if you want to check out her site it's I'm so excited! We'll be making the 4hr drive first thing in the morning so we can get back to settle him in. Steve will be sleeping since he's on midnights and he has to work all weekend.

Afterwards we'll be going to the Collier's house to welcome the new Mr & Mrs Collier home on a visit from their new home in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. They've been down there for about 4 months now and I'm excited to see Jackie and her growing belly (she's 12 weeks preggo) and Cale. Here's a pic from their wedding from Aug 22nd.

In other news my best friend who also happens to live in Ft Walton Beach Florida, Candie, has received good news of her own. She and her husband Ryan who are both in the Airforce down there were married in March and are now expecting and are 5 weeks along with TWINS! Since Candie is herself a twin we were all telling her how we hoped she would be having twins and we must've jinxed her right because she IS! Here's a pic to prove it:

We're wishing them all the best for a safe and heathly pregnancy.

I will post pics of LFB promptly so you can all see how adorable he is once we get him home.

In other news I will be traveling back to the doctor on September 24th for my first blood draw and exam. I start my first round of clomid tomorrow and when I go back we'll find out if I need the surgery or not. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't since the thought of surgery makes me super nervous. But if the septum resection is necessary (with the septum it brings the miscarriage rate to a startling 60%) of course it will be done.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Ack twins! I can't even imagine. That could be you, with Clomid! Just saying... Where is LFB pug!