With our house comes a new addition to our family! Namely our little fat beastie pug that we will be picking up in Indiana in 2 weeks. Here's some pics! Isn't he adorable? LFB is about 8 weeks in these pictures, and he lives on a farm called Farnsworth Farms. The breeder Marci raises Pugs (fawn and black) and Boxers. we just fell in love with her puppies and I can't wait to pick LFB up and bring him home!

I'm working on a present for Steve for our 1st Wedding Anniversary that is quickly coming up! Everyone keeps telling me that it's paper, so right now I'm the winning bidder on 2 tickets for the Michigan vrs Wisconsin game on September 27th (big ten opener which he'll love, plus it's the day before our actual anniversary)We went to a Michigan game right after our wedding last year and met some great people so we really want to make it out to Ann Arbor as much as possible this year! If that falls through I heard on the radio that Metallica is coming to the Joe Louis in January and I was thinking about tickets for that. Not sure what else to get for him that would be "paper"y. I could always get him something for his man den that's sporty (like a picture or something) but the tickets would be a better gift.
1 comment:
AHHHH He is too cute! What are you going to name him! It makes me want to get another little fat pug! He's adorable.
Congrats on the house. I'm so excited for you both! Make sure you take lots of pictures!
Good luck with the Michigan tickets. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. John wanted Metallica tickets because they were coming to Phoenix on October 21st. Were skipping it though because for his birthday I bought him a mini season ticket package to the Phoenix Coyotes.
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