I know this is my second blog only, but things have been crazy.
Since Steve and I got married almost 3 months ago things couldn't be better. I have only one complaint, American Airlines. We returned from our wonderful honeymoon more than 3 weeks ago and have not seen my luggage since. In my luggage was everyone's Christmas gifts. We are not rich and therefore have had to rebuy things since we've been home to give people for the holiday. I'm really bummed because we spent most of our 2 weeks in Puerto Vallarta looking for that perfect something to get for each of our friends, and family memebers. Not to mention that my ENTIRE summer wardrobe is now MIA, and half of my sisters. Enough complaining about what we've lost. Here's a picture from our trip:
We came back to the cold Michigan weather and I swiftly got a cold from the change in temperature.
Last weekend we went to see our friends in Kalamazoo, AJ & Adam. One weekend a year the Bell's Brewery has an Eccentric Night, you must come dressed as your alter ego or you won't be allowed inside. Of course also on this night they also uptap their Eccentric Brew. Which is about 23% alcohol volume and honestly looks and tastes like hopsy mollasses. In other words, it would get you drunk, but taste like crap. So I took a very small sip of Steve's and made a face and that was my eccentric beer. I did, however, have a few of what they labeled as "Red Nose Brew" and it was pretty tasty. We saw people dressed as so many things, Bob Seger, Tony from Scarface, 8 Nacho Libres, 3 Elvis', King Tritan, and partridge in a pare tree. Ok I'm kidding about the bird, but everything else was there. Many men dressed as either cowboys or women, and a group of people dressed as criminals. Here's a picture:
I registered for Winter Classes this week too. I'll be taking Accounting I, and Marketing 215, oh and required 1 credit class called Prof Career Strategies that takes up 2 of my February Saturdays, and costs me $185. It's required to graduate though so I have to take it. Only 9 more classes until I get my ASS degree, so I'll be transferring by next fall. I've spoken with admissions at UofM Dearborn, and got the ok to transfer there. The only problem is that all of my current credits won't transfer directly so I'll have to go to Wayne County for a semester, and then transfer from there to UofM D so that my current credits stay with me. Pain in the butt, but worth it in the end. I don't want to have to repeat classes.
We have been in straight holiday mode lately, the first Miller Family Tree is up, and we've decorated our balcony with some lights. We couldn't put up my big tree this year though because Steve's hobby has taken over the living room. Dear God, please bring me the real estate listing of my dreams so that Steve's fish tanks don't do this next year!
This weekend we are going bowling with a couple friends, and tomorrow is the Millers' Friends and Family Christmas Shindig. Santa comes and visits all the kids, and the adults pretty much sit in the garage and drink cocktails and talk the night away. Everyone tends to stay the night, except those of us that live locally, and it's just a good time.
So Sleigh Bells are ringing in the Miller household, and I'm off. Got to work sometime today!
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