Monday, April 23, 2012

National Infertility Awareness Week

With my pregnancy coming to an end and our dream coming true in 3 short weeks, this does not change the fact that I am infertile. Our daughter would not exist if it wasn't for our amazing doctors and nurses, and our strength and perseverance. She is our miracle. Our struggles should not be forgotten or displaced. I will always be infertile, the hurt and pain of years of failed cycles will always be a part of our past and have made us the parents we will become. I will always hug my child a little tighter, kiss her a little more, and make sure she knows how very wanted and loved she is every single day.

36 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: +47lbs.. Ugh, gained 5lbs in a week! I have no idea how, other than I'm feeling VERY puffy and swollen. My eating habits haven't changed, so I'm at a loss. At this point they took blood to check for preeclampsia (5lbs in a week make them a bit nervous), but my blood pressure is great so I don't think it's that.

Maternity Clothes: All the time.
Stretch marks: Yep, bottom of my belly there are a few small ones, top of my breasts and a wierd one on the top of my left butt cheek. Here we go! sheesh!

Sleep: Terrible. I wake up everytime I move. And when I wake up for the day I don't feel rested

Movement: Tons and hiccups! Love it all! She "rolls" now. My belly looks like a water bed.

Cravings/Aversions: Back to cucumbers. I'm eating a whole one to myself every other day

Gender: a beautiful gorgeous baby GIRL!

Symptoms: BACKACHES!!! Acid reflux, heartburn, this HUGE belly! lol

What I miss: Jimmy Johns, sushi, a good glass of beer

What I look forward to: Birthday is set for May 14th! That's in 3 weeks!!!

Moods: Pretty good, although by the end of the day I get really tired.

Milestones: She is just putting on the fat now! She is totally a fully made baby!

Medical concerns: Subchorionic hematoma, and baby was detached from uterus (she is refused to my uteran wall except where the hematoma still exists) Last ultrasound could not find the hematoma. It's probably still there but she's so big now they can't see it.