I'm not all that keen on belly shots until it's obvious. But I've had a couple people ask to see if my belly is growing. So I thought I'd let you be the judge of that:
This picture was taken on 9/30/11 at approx 7 weeks preggo
This one was taken last Sunday on 11/20/11 at approx 14 weeks
So what do you think... Baby or too many donuts?
14-15 weeks
Total Weight Loss/Gain: I haven't weighed myself but I'm probably about +5lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Finally broke down and wore the one pair of maternity slacks I bought and they are SUPER comfortable. I think I'd be ok in regular pants but the zipper makes things a bit uncomfortable
Stretch marks: None from pregnancy
Sleep: I'm still hitting the hay quite early. But I've also had a bad cold, so that second trimester energy boost has yet to hit.
Movement: None yet, but I'm patiently waiting. Should be in the next few weeks. :)
Cravings/Aversions: Still no pizza in my diet, but I've also notice a slight aversion to pork. (with the exception of bacon) Other than that, I had a salad with cucumber in it, which I don't usually like and it was delish...
Gender: We won't know until our appointment in January.
Symptoms: The lower back pain and sore breasts continue but I feel pretty good everywhere else. I have been having slight cramping every now and again. Feels like period cramps, but all the books say that it's more ligament stretching.
What I miss: sleeping through the night without having to get up to pee 2-3 times!
What I look forward to: Feeling the baby move!
Moods: Weepy, but I've been sick too.
Milestones: 2nd Trimester!!!!!! Hooray!
Medical concerns: None so far. Baby looks very healthy.
You are just truckin' a long! And I say BABY For sure - no contest there:). Keep up the good work, momma!
Hey there, got your question about the monthly onesies - they are actually stickers you put on the onesies each month. I did it for both of mine:). If you go to etsy.com and search "monthly onesie stickers" or anything like that, you'll get a million choices. I warn you, it is hard to choose, lol! Let me know if you have any other questions!
Aww, your baby belly is still small and cute. Not sure I'd realize you're pregnant if I saw you on the street, but I'm sure you're noticing a difference. :-)
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