The baby is still measuring 5 days ahead of schedule. Yesterday he/she was measuring 9weeks 3days, heartbeat was 167. It was amazing to see the baby again. Seriously it never gets old. It's still very surreal that when I look at the screen there is actually someone growing inside of me! Everything looked wonderful. The placenta is growing nicely, and the yolk sac is much smaller. We even got to see the beginning of the embryonic sack (the fluid the baby swims and grows in for the next several months)Steve and the ultrasound tech even saw the baby dancing around like crazy! So as of yesterday, WE HAVE GRADUATED!! No more RE. I got tons of hugs as I left the office. It was bittersweet. I love the nurses and everyone there. Steve said we'll be back to hang the picture of our newborn on the wall with all the others. But for now we'll have to be satisfied with this one:
It's the last one for at least 4 weeks.
Can I get excited now???
HELL YEAH, you better get excited!! This is amazing! Congrats for graduating! There was SUCH a rush for me when I sent both of our baby announcements to our RE with a personal note thanking them for their part in both of our miracles. They sent beautiful baby spoons for each one:). Milestones like that are not lost on those of us who dreamed for them for so long:).
Yes ma'am! You have to be excited at this point! The ultra sound pic even looks like a baby now! YOU ARE GOING TO BE A MAMA!!! You and Steve are going to make amazing parents! I am so excited for you both!
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